
Friday, March 28, 2014

Recovering BPEL Activity Failures - WSO2 BPS

Read more about ODE activity failure and recovery from.


Method 1: Via WSO2 BPS Management Console 

In WSO2 BPS, BPEL failed activity recovery can be done using WSO2 BPS Management console.

To do this, it is required to enable ODE activityLifecycle events for a BPEL process. To do that modify process-event configuration in deploy.xml as follow.
view raw gistfile1.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub
(refer for to see how you can enable ODE events for a BPEL process.)

Users can view activity failures for a BPEL process instance in the instance view page. 

1) Goto Instances -> click on of the instance ID to open the instance view for that instance.

 2) In the instance view, you can find failed activity/activities under activity informations. (See image). Also you can retry/cancel (ignore a failed activity) a failed activity using two buttons listed under Action column.

Method 2 - Via InstanceManagementService admin API

Also users can recover failed activities by using BPS InstanceManagementService. Unfortunately there is no UI functionality for this when ode events are disabled. (BPS 3.2.0 & older)

These are the steps, to retry activities using InstanceManagementService admin service.

1) Execute following SQL query on BPS database.

view raw gistfile1.sql hosted with ❤ by GitHub
This will return the failed activities with corresponding BPEL process instance id. You will require following information to retry a failed activity.

2) Set HideAdminServiceWSDLs configuration to false in /repository/conf/carbon.xml file.

view raw gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

3) Then start the BPS server.

4) Now create a SOAP-UI project using https://localhost:9443/services/InstanceManagementService?wsdl

5) Create a new request under recoverActivity operation. A sample request will be like this.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sch="">
<sch:iid>260</sch:iid> <!-- Process instance ID -->
<sch:aid>11</sch:aid> <!-- Activity ID-->
<sch:action>retry</sch:action> <!-- Action to perform, either retry,cancel-->
view raw gistfile1.txt hosted with ❤ by GitHub

6) Then Authenticate soap-ui request by configuring authentication and security related settings.
For Basic Auth select Authorization type as preemptive, and give admin user name and password.

7) Then for each failed activity (results in step 1), send a recoverActivity request. Use "retry" action to retry activity, and use "cancel" action to cancel the activity retry and continue instance execution.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Running HumanTask Cleanup Job - WSO2 BPS

HumanTask engine allows you to configure periodic cleanup tasks from the WSO2 BPS persistence storage based on task status. To enable Task clean up task, uncomment TaskCleanupConfig element in HumanTask.xml

<cronExpression>0 0 0/4 * * ?</cronExpression>
view raw htconfig.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

HumanTask engine uses quartz-scheduler for cron jobs. Refer [1] to declare cron expressions format. In above example, Cron scheduler will trigger TaskCleanup task every Four Hours, to remove COMPLETED, OBSOLETE, EXITED from the database.

[1] -

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Generating a random unique number in a SOAP UI request

In the request use,

${=System.currentTimeMillis() + ((int)(Math.random()*10000))}

example :  

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:ode-apache-org:example:async:client">
<urn:input>Hello Wolrd</urn:input>
Note : Here I am generating this number by adding currant milliseconds as a prefix. So this will generate almost unique number.

Update: 20th June 2014. 

Another simple way to do this. 
