
Friday, June 15, 2012

GSoC 2012 with Apache Airavata.

Hi All,

After long silence, I am back to blogging after nearly 3 months.

This is summer. When we heard summer is coming, the first thing which pop up into our mind is Google Summer of Code competition. It was announced early this year also since 2005. (see more information about GSoC 2012) In this blog post, I am going to briefly summarize the activities which I involved in Pre-GSoC 2012 period (from Announcement of GSoC 2012 to student bonding period.).

See GSoC 2012 event and time plan and Read FAQ to get more information about the GSoC 2012. 

Here is the rough time plan of the GSoC 2012 and activities which i did during each time period.  
  • Google summer of Code 2012 Program announced.
  • Google program administrators review organization applications.
  • Accepted mentoring organizations published on the Google Summer of Code 2012 site.

  • Student application period opens.
    • After discussing with Airavata community I wrote a project proposal for the project and submitted to Google. 
  • Student application deadline.
  • Mentoring organizations review and rank student proposals; where necessary, mentoring organizations may request further proposal detail from the student applicant.
    • I did some improvements to my project proposal as requested by them.
  • Accepted student proposals announced on the Google Summer of Code 2012 site.
yes, I am in. I am a GSoCer. 
I will post my current progress and detailed description about my project on next blog post.

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