Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Moving to GitHub Pages

It has been a long time since my last blog post, and unfortunately, this will be the last from on the Blogger. You may be asking why? Here the long answer in short.  

Blogger is a great blogging tool. It’s a simple and straightforward platform that gives you what you need for blogging. But one of the main limitations with these CMS, you have less freedom when you want to do customization. That is the primary reason why I have moved to the Github Pages. 


Everything comes with a price. Now I have to maintain the entire site. Github pages use Jekyll (, and I stared hack it a few days ago and managed to up and running the site. Here is the new site.  Eventually, I am going to build up the blogging ecosystem around it. So don't expect a search bar soon. :D

Hope to see you on my GitHub Blog soon.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

[Sample] Order Processing Process

This sample illustrates usage of WS-BPEL 2.0, WS-HumanTask 1.1 and Rule capabilities in WSO2 Business Process Server and WSO2 Business Rule Server.

Order Processing Flow
alt text
  • The client place an order by providing client ID, item IDs, quantity, shipping address and shipping city.
  • Then Process submits order information to invoicing web service, which generates order ID and calculate total order value.
  • If total order value is greater than USD 500, process requires a human interaction to proceed. When a order requires a human interaction process creates a Review HumanTask for regional clerks. If review task is rejected by one of regional clerk user, workflow terminates after notifying the client.
  • Once the regional clerk approve the review task, workflow invokes Warehouse Locater rule service to calculate nearest warehouse.
  • Once receiving nearest warehouse, process invokes Place Order web service to finalize the order.
  • Finally user will be notified with the estimated delivery date.

This sample contains

Please checkout this sample from Github. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

[WSO2BPS] Uploading a BPEL archive using admin services

Some users want to automate BPEL deployment using external tools. This blog post discuss how you can use BPEL Uploader admin service for this purpose.

Applies to WSO2 BPS 3.x. ( Tested on 3.2.0 )

Viewing wsdl of BPEL Uploader admin service

  1. Change "HideAdminServiceWSDLs" to false in Carbon.xml.
  2. (Re)Start WSO2 BPS server. 
  3. Now you can view BPEL uploader admin service WSDL from 
    • https://localhost:9443/services/BPELUploader?wsdl

Method 1 - Using SOAP UI. 

Create SOAP UI project using "https://localhost:9443/services/BPELUploader?wsdl"

  1. Open upload service request and add an attachment using Attachment tab.
  2. Select your BPEL file from file system. ( eg: )
  3. Give File Name in SOAP request  ( )
  4. Type "cid:Myzip-File" in dataHandler.
  5. Select Myzip-File in Part column in attachment tab. 
  6. In Auth tab. Configure Basic authentication ( Usernname/passowrd admin/admin - Authenticate Pre-Emptively)
Now you will able to upload BPEL file using SOAP UI. 

Note: When you send above request, SOAP UI automatically replace dataHandler content with base64 encoded content of zip file. 

Method 2 - Using Curl Command line tool.

  1. First Convert zip file content into base64 format. For that use base64 command line tool as follows,

  2. $ base64 > base64.txt

  3. Create request.xml file with following content. Replace dataHandler text with content of base64.txt

  4. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="" xmlns:xsd="">

  5. Use following curl command to upload your BPEL file. 

curl --user admin:admin -k -s -v --header "Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8" --header "SOAPAction: urn:uploadService" --data @request.xml https://localhost:9443/services/BPELUploader 

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